
Ramadhan In My Hometown

Hello, my name is Fayza Farahnaz, just call me Pay. I have been waiting for this holy month of Ramadan for a long time and Alhamdulillah I met this month of Ramadan again. At the beginning of ramadhan this year i was at home with my family. we spent time at home together, taraweeh, sahur, and iftar together. We were all very happy to welcome the holy month of ramadhan.  But this year is a little different because my brother is not at home to do the fasting month together and family gathering, because he is in bekasi for work. He comes home if he has a holiday from work, and that is very rare, we are very waiting for him to come home because we miss him very much. If he comes home we ask him for snacks because we like snacks, and he's very kind to give his sister money for snacks. Here i will report my daily activities during Ramadhan. i start waking up at 3am, i wake up by myself using an alarm. starting when i wake up i immediately take wudhu to do tahajud prayer first, then i pra